Another Southern Seminary Story

This is the institution led by Albert Mohler. HT: Dissenter In this audio, Rosaria Butterfield rebukes Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for approving the dissertation of Nate Collins, who would later found @revoiceorg. In answering the question how Criticial Theory ended up in the church, Butterfield astutuely observes, "Bad ideas… […]

How Do Christians Facilitate The Takeover By The Marxists?

A couple of articles I saw recently suggested a couple of methods. First, Tim Pool states the following: “Where we are in my generation? I blame Christian conservatives. “And it’s because they’re too good of people, and they were very tolerant and accepting of so many really bad people that […]

Pastor Ronnie Rogers on Social Justice and the Church

Rogers is the long-serving pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Norman, Oklahoma; and has been a leader within the Southern Baptist Convention. He states the following in the book, “Christianity and American Culture Today”: (…You) should never equate social justice with God’s justice, as revealed in Scripture, because social justice […]