The Week Southern Baptists Felt The Weight Of Bad Decisions on “Sexual Abuse”

The manner in which the Southern Baptist Convention’s leadership chose to handle the “sexual abuse” crisis was controversial from the outset. Their solution took away the autonomy of local churches, and presumed certain of the men accused to be guilty. Megan Basham devoted over forty pages of her book to […]

Using Joe Rigney’s Book to Add Context To Megan Basham’s Book

I just returned from vacation during which I had the opportunity to finish reading two books that are interrelated. Readers will recall that we had posted here several interviews featuring journalist Megan Basham during which she discussed her new book, “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for […]

Another Southern Seminary Story

This is the institution led by Albert Mohler. HT: Dissenter In this audio, Rosaria Butterfield rebukes Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for approving the dissertation of Nate Collins, who would later found @revoiceorg. In answering the question how Criticial Theory ended up in the church, Butterfield astutuely observes, "Bad ideas… […]

How Do Christians Facilitate The Takeover By The Marxists?

A couple of articles I saw recently suggested a couple of methods. First, Tim Pool states the following: “Where we are in my generation? I blame Christian conservatives. “And it’s because they’re too good of people, and they were very tolerant and accepting of so many really bad people that […]