Great quote I heard on Breitbart News Daily yesterday (HT: NC Renegade):
Month: November 2023
“The Issue is Joe!”
Migrant Protests In My Hometown
Staten Island has a section called Midland Beach. My mother spent part of her childhood living there. My parents were married at the Catholic church there; and I was initially baptized at that same church as an infant. Midland Beach is probably less than a mile from where I grew […]
Identity Politics Fail
Biden, Did You Know?
HT: NC Renegade
The Toyota Battery Plant in Randolph County
David Larson had an interesting opinion piece at Carolina Journal that discusses the massive new project in Randolph County. It is to be a Toyota plant that will produce batteries for electric vehicles. The claim is that the plant will ultimately employ 5,100 people. Here is what Larson had to […]
Ralph Baric Recognized Once Again
Ralph Baric at UNC-Chapel Hill is the researcher who has been the target of multiple investigations because he was involved in the type of gain-of-function research that created the Covid-19 virus; and that led to the development of the harmful Covid vaccines. He has won awards for his research efforts […]
Our Color Revolution: Is There A Way Out?
North Carolina’s Descent on Freedom
The Daily Haymaker has a good post that demonstrates the state of North Carolina has relinquished many of the gains we had made on state taxes after Republicans took control of the General Assembly a dozen years ago. There was some initial improvement in tax conditions; but that has been […]
Explaining What Happened in Ireland
Steve Bannon has perhaps more reason to pay attention to what has been happening there because he is Irish Catholic: