Russell Moore’s Dance with MSNBC

Earlier this week, the former leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission– Russell Moore– appeared on MSNBC. The interviewers for that network expressed repeated concern over evangelicals’ support of Donald Trump. Remain mindful that the moderators and reporters who work for MSNBC don’t even remotely care […]

Political Contributions from Casino Interests and a Concerned Community

We had reported here several times about the apparent love affair that GOP legislators in Raleigh have with various forms of legalized gambling. They have sought to advance this in various ways over the last several years. Last week, I had the opportunity to assist with a service project for […]

Approximately 3% Develop Some Level of Myocarditis Due to Moderna Vaccine

That is the conclusion of a study conducted in Switzerland (HT: Fred). More information is found here. This is a much higher percentage than I had seen in prior studies. Presumably, that is because it includes “subclinical” myocarditis– i.e., mild heart inflammation that does not cause any symptoms. But the […]