One of the relatively few positive changes that arose from last week’s annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention was a resolution against In Vitro Fertilization. While the resolution was perhaps not as strong as it could have been, it nevertheless spoke from a pro-life standpoint on a topic that has not been sufficiently addressed for many years.
Getting people to think about these issues and talk about them is the first step toward wider recognition that there are serious moral and ethical problems with this technology.
TC: I think your optimized is misplaced.
From a previous post : “I think these delegates knew precisely what they were doing. As I noted, many of them are employees of the Southern Baptist Convention in the seminaries and mission boards and the like. They are not representative of the people out in the churches, but they are given a disproportionate voice in voting for the direction of the denomination. I think that is a big factor with regard to what is happening.”
Yes, Fred, we must be careful about pronouncing triumphs or right thinking because this crowd has an uncanny capability of sabotaging what is good and true.