When Evangelicals Take Money From the Left

Megan Basham is from North Carolina. She used to write for World Magazine.

The below video introduces her new book, Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded The Truth For A Leftist Agenda. It describes in detail the manner in which the left is influencing evangelical churches and denominations, often by donating money to its institutions. There is discussion on Danny Akin and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; JD Greear; Tim Keller; The Gospel Coalition; Rick Warren; the Southern Baptist Convention and its Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission.

She describes influence by George Soros; Mark Zuckerberg; the Buddhist leader of eBay; and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Items discussed include Critical Race Theory; abortion; LGBTQ; climate change; and even the handling of Covid-19. She particularly accuses certain leaders within the church of imposing legalism on the matter of masks and vaccines and even keeping churches closed.

It is an interesting discusssion:


2 thoughts on “When Evangelicals Take Money From the Left

  1. George Soros, Bill Gates, Rockefeller and other secular billionaires are named as evil actors in her book which she points out as alarming as unbiblical: AND Rick Warren.

    She opposes those whose leadership and those who have scammed the Evangelicals by leftists.

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