Hospitals Losing Money Because of Staff Shortages

Today there were some reports about lots of hospitals losing money last year. That typically does not happen. But they drove away staff with vaccine mandates and other arbitrary, nonsensical Covid-related policies. Many hospitals are nearly always “full” because they have shut down many beds due to staffing shortages. Operating […]

Ted Budd’s First Good Deed as a Senator?

Breitbart reports that North Carolina’s Senator Ted Budd is sponsoring legislation that would end China’s “permanent normal trade relations status” with the United States. The Carolina’s were hurt severely by free trade with China; and lost some of their core industries. It is amazing to consider in retrospect how there […]

More Examples of the Culture War Being Waged Against Us in North Carolina

The protagonists are the Greensboro News and Record, a couple of North Carolina physicians and the North Carolina Medical Society itself. Let’s examine these one at a time: First, there is a puff piece on the News and Record website today highlighting Guilford Green, the local LGBT advocacy organization. And […]