Kathy Manning’s Last Offense Against Her Constituents

Readers will recall that Congresswoman Kathy Manning is Jewish. As such, “anti-Semitism” is one of her big issues. Check out her recent statement before Congress: Her bill is a problem. It requires that the federal government adopt a definition of anti-Semitism that is extremely broad, and that would sharply restrict […]

Two North Carolina Energy Stories In Conflict

Carolina Journal had a good article on Friday indicating that the geographic region that includes both North Carolina and South Carolina is vulnerable to power outages this winter with severe weather. The article attributes this situation to multiple factors including hurricane damage, population growth, increased use of electricity and the […]

State Of NC Loosening of Building Codes In Western NC

A welcome decision came last week from the NC Department of Insurance. The state of North Carolina effective December 10 temporarily relaxed its rules regarding housing. This will exempt temporary housing structures from permit and inspection requirements– and shield state and local government from liability. It would enable property owners […]