Kathy Manning’s Last Offense Against Her Constituents

Readers will recall that Congresswoman Kathy Manning is Jewish. As such, “anti-Semitism” is one of her big issues. Check out her recent statement before Congress: Her bill is a problem. It requires that the federal government adopt a definition of anti-Semitism that is extremely broad, and that would sharply restrict […]

Governor-Elect Josh Stein Won’t Deport Illegals

An interesting article at Carolina Journal suggests that Josh Stein won’t commit to acquiescing with efforts Trump might initiate to deport illegals. He claims to support the deportation of criminal illegal aliens. But then he conveniently overlooks the fact that some North Carolina sheriffs have been refusing to cooperate with […]

Normal Lear and Rob Reiner and Russell Moore and the Southern Baptist Convention

Some of us are old enough to remember when “All in the Family” hit the airwaves. It was uproariously funny, and featured an ongoing contrast between Archie Bunker and his Meathead son-in-law. Normal Lear was the producer and originator of this series; and Rob Reiner played Meathead. This was a […]

Pastor Chuck Baldwin Discusses Israel and Talmudic Judaism

Pastor Baldwin is an independent Baptist minister. He once was the presidential candidate for the Constitution Party. His sermons tend to apply biblical teaching to current events and cultural questions. In the sermon below he teaches from the 8th Chapter of the Gospel according to John. He then discusses the […]