Category: Constitutionalism
Disaster Response: JD Rucker
He discusses North Carolina and California; and then points out that disaster response and relief are supposed to be individual, local and state responsibilities. Some of us can’t help but notice the federal government is much more eager to help California than it was in the case of western North […]
More Government, Less Liberty
Reagan understood this to a much greater extent than Trump does. Click to play video: View this post on Instagram A post shared by America | News | Red Pill (@elitemindvision)
We Should Have Listened To Ron Paul
Click to view: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Unbreakable Liberty (@unbreakableliberty)
Merging Trump’s Populism With Constitutional Conservatism
There was a good article in a recent issue of Imprimis in which Kevin Roberts recounts the various leadership failures we have had in the United States since Reagan’s presidency. He makes the case that Trump’s populism needs to be infused with constitutionally conservative approaches in order for the country […]
What The Federal Government Should and Shouldn’t Do
Milton Friedman came very close to getting it right decades ago:
AAPS Saw Problem With Emergency Powers for Governors 23 Years Ago
It was an “emergency powers” statute that enabled Governor Cooper to shut down the state of North Carolina for a very prolonged period more than four years ago. It had been passed by the Republican General Assembly; and after learning how bad it was they modified it somewhat over the […]
FEMA’s Sloth and Roy Cooper’s Responsibility
Many folks have been angered by the exceedingly slow response by FEMA to help the people of western North Carolina. In addition, there have been allegations that FEMA has actually hindered private relief efforts in various ways. The Carolina Partnership for Reform has a report demonstrating that a plan had […]
In Search Of Constitutional Government
Neither the democratic socialists nor the Republicans govern according to the Constitution. If you want that, you have to vote for Constitution Party candidates. But this brief video emphasizes that the Constitution demands the supremacy of the states, which neither major party supports: