“Democracy”: When They Refuse To Do What We Want

One Of The Most Important & Relevant Tucker Carlson Clips‌“Clearly, the people who run things see the rest of us as slaves. That's obvious to me. I can't imagine it could be more obvious. It's crystal clear. They don't seek consensus.‌They're not interested in the public's… pic.twitter.com/HgE5N4O16B — Wall Street […]

How Will Summerfield Get Treated In The NC General Assembly?

A couple of articles suggest that machinations are taking place to remove David Couch’s property from the town of Summerfield and “de-annex” it into Greensboro. The town had already made concessions to Couch in anticipation that the Raleigh Republicans might do this; but Couch has apparently decided he wants more. […]

Greensboro City Council Scheming to Pass Prepared Food Tax

The plan is to try to place an additional 1% tax on all restaurant meals– and this would include take-out. It is ostensibly to benefit “tourism”. But this obviously reflects a desire to serve certain special interests that benefit from tourism. The same crowd lustily pursued construction of the aquatic […]

Correct Response To School Board Shenanigans: Break Up the Guilford County School System

Recall that Deena Hayes and Jill Wilson (the race-baiting school board chairwoman and school system attorney, respectively) orchestrated a scheme to deny the county GOP’s designee for a vacant school board seat, and installed a liberal Republican instead. This was despite the passage of a statute that was supposed to […]

Guilford County’s “Savings Account” is Getting Depleted

An interesting article was published on the Rhino Times website yesterday. It was reported that the County Manager told commissioners he was concerned that the county’s fund balance was getting too low. Democratic socialists have been in charge of Guilford County since the 2020 election. It’s funny, but I don’t […]