Why The Medical Journals Did Not Publish The Problems With The Covid “Vaccines”

This tweet is from Britain, but the same phenomenon occurs in the United States: A dynamite tweet that is being shadow-banned on X, showing deep corruption in the British medical regulatory agencies@DrJBhattacharya @CShoemakerMD @DrAseemMalhotra @lawrie_dr https://t.co/ERnZAded8R — The Deep Reporter (@EMWResearch) June 9, 2024

Swiss Doctor Speaks Out On The mRNA Vaccines

Of note is the fact that he spoke out early in the pandemic against the COVID fear-based policies. The authorities retaliated against him by placing him in a psychiatric hospital: Swiss cardiologist calls for the abolishment of the WHO. "Enough is enough ‼️‼️ pic.twitter.com/pUv6uF6Zng — “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) June […]

“Landmark Ruling” To Protect Physicians’ Free Speech

Many are aware that various forces conspired to take away the free speech rights of physicians during the pandemic. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (of which I am part) sued the federal government, the American Board of Internal Medicine and other parties; and had the following release today: […]