NC GOP Tarred And Feathered Despite Abortion Cave

Recall the decision by the Republicans’ NC General Assembly leadership to cave on the abortion issue and allow the barbarous procedure in North Carolina through the few few months of pregnancy. This was obviously a political calculation designed to protect their incumbency at the expense of public morality and the […]

This Is All You Need To Know About Kamala

She opposes religious liberty: Absolutely chilling: Kamala Harris says that she does not believe in religious exemptions for abortion. This means that all Christian hospitals, healthcare providers, businesses, etc., would be forced to provide/cover abortion if she got her way. It would be the end of theā€¦ — Center […]

Using Joe Rigney’s Book to Add Context To Megan Basham’s Book

I just returned from vacation during which I had the opportunity to finish reading two books that are interrelated. Readers will recall that we had posted here several interviews featuring journalist Megan Basham during which she discussed her new book, “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for […]