Company Serving Greensboro Illegal Immigrant Facility Gets Politically Favored, No-Bid Federal Funding

HT: Leon

Readers will recall that the former Jewish school in Greensboro at the intersection of Jefferson Rd. and Hobbs Rd. is being converted to house illegal immigrants. It is justifiably suspected that Congresswoman Kathy Manning made this happen.

A company called Deployed Services was previously reported to have been selected to operate major aspects of the facility.

But there is an interesting revelation regarding this company’s relationship with the political class in Washington. It turns out they are a major political donor and have extended their largesse to the democratic socialists. Moreover, they have been extended the political favor of no-bid contracts by the Biden administration.

So, in a nutshell, we have a facility opening shortly in Greensboro that is serving nefarious purposes by accommodating illegal immigration. The company operating it in large part is a major socialist donor and has been shielded from the competitive bidding process.

How nice…


2 thoughts on “Company Serving Greensboro Illegal Immigrant Facility Gets Politically Favored, No-Bid Federal Funding

  1. This appears to worthy of investigation by the FBI. Oh wait, they are busy going after Jan 6 protesters and pro life folks.

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