Drama At the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Let’s recall that this is the lobbying arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) — i.e., the division that is supposed to communicate to government and to policymakers the Christian worldview that ought to guide their actions. Recall further that the Ethics and Religious Commission (ERLC) within the SBC has […]

Celebrating the Failure of the Male-Pastors-Only Amendment

We previously reported that the Southern Baptist Convention did not pass its amendment to require that member churches only have male pastors. Some opposing the amendment made this somewhat of a crusade because they felt it would drive out black churches within the convention. Via the Dissenter, we learn of […]

Two Whiffs At Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting

The SBC’s annual convention in Indianapolis has concluded for the most part. A couple of important items of business received votes. First, the Convention failed to restrict the office of pastor to men. The vote did not achieve the 2/3 supermajority required to pass the motion. That means female pastors […]

Friendly Ave. Baptist Pastor Placed on Administrative Leave

An article at the Christian Post follows up on a story we had described here recently. The corrupt Biden Justice Department is prosecuting the new pastor of Friendly Avenue Baptist Church. Understandably, the church felt the need to place this pastor on administrative leave this past weekend. There was really […]

#MeToo In The Southern Baptist Convention: Beware Leftists Taking Over Conservative Churches and Denominations

The #MeToo movement became popularized during recent years. This movement consists of women making allegations of sexual assault or impropriety against men. These allegations often turn out to be false. Many women use these type of allegations to achieve some other objective. High profile examples include Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice […]

Southern Baptist Convention Voices Support of Schumer/ Biden Illegal Immigration Bill

The bill that elicited unprecedented levels of outrage this week has attracted support from a seemingly unlikely source. The Dissenter reports that the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and its director– Brent Leatherwood– are supporting the open borders bill pushed by the democratic socialists Chuck Schumer and […]

“Unify Project” Another SBC Swerve To The Left

I recently became aware of an initiative led by two former presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention. It is called the “Unify Project”. What is the purpose of this project? It is putatively to further racial reconciliation. The question then arises as to how this program works. The website gives […]