Category: Deep State
The Eerie Parallels Between Brazil and the USA
It is a war on populism waged by governmental entities, even at the price of taking away our liberties:
Now, It All Comes Together
This video demonstrates the deep state at work, pursuing very dark objectives and preparing to launch color revolution incidents in the United States. We can now see how our nation has become so severely afflicted over the last decade. This is a must watch:
If I Were The Deep State…
More Bukele: Who Elected Soros?
The Censorship Regime
The United States government is engaging in censorship on a massive scale. While the First Amendment used to provide us with freedom of speech, it was never fully realized until the internet emerged. But it was the effects of the internet and the emergence of Trump that led the Deep […]
Who Is Behind All the Misuse of Intelligence Agencies?
We have seen it repeatedly, in various contexts:
What Do We Do With The FBI?
HT: NC Renegade
Why Bother With Elections?
Those frustrated with “the system” often comment that our elections are futile. But those on the other side of the fence seem to foresee a world without elections because they recognize that our elected officials often don’t make the decisions: (HT: Fred)
NC’s Madison Cawthorn, the Epstein Releases, and the Blackmail of D.C. Politicians
Cawthorn was elected very young and he made some mistakes. He also called out the scene in Washington and the GOP establishment moved against him. The Republican who replaced him is predictably worthless. With the release of the Epstein list, there has been discussion of the manner in which Washington […]