Two North Carolina Energy Stories In Conflict

Carolina Journal had a good article on Friday indicating that the geographic region that includes both North Carolina and South Carolina is vulnerable to power outages this winter with severe weather. The article attributes this situation to multiple factors including hurricane damage, population growth, increased use of electricity and the unreliability of “green energy” including wind and solar.

Recall that the state had pushed retiring multiple fossil-fuel based generating facilities over the last decade or two.

In spite of the above, Governor Cooper is politicizing the recent decision to take away his appointments to the state Utilities Commission. The Raleigh Republicans had appropriately done this in view of the wreckage Cooper has created. Cooper’s extreme, doctrinaire left wing approach on climate change is leaving us at risk of losing power (and thereby, for many, home heating) during harsh winter weather.

But the Republicans’ hands are not clean, either. They had pushed some of this green energy nonsense with their legislation during recent years to pay off donors. It seems they are beginning to realize the folly of their actions.

Cooper demonstrates extraordinary chutzpah, however. He fusses even as the consequences of his actions become plainly evident.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, dear Governor.


4 thoughts on “Two North Carolina Energy Stories In Conflict

  1. The environmental left is losing its lunch about the new Michael Moore-produced documentary “Planet of the Humans.” . A 10-minute highlight reel below that has a few of the best punches.

    The beauty of the film is that it makes a devastating case against so-called “renewable energy” entirely with left-wing observers, and does not feature any of the long-time critics from our camp. Overall, however, the film is a red-hot mess, because its central point is the old fashioned, undisguised Malthusianism that there are too many humans on the planet, and that we have to give up growth and shrink our material existence. The greens these days are frantially trying to disguise their fundamentalism by calling it “degrowth,” but it’s the same old recycled doom and gloom and plea for green authoritarianism.

    How this “degrowth” should be done the film does not say, and perhaps its real sin from the point of view of the environmentalists is that Moore’s film not only exposes their green energy frauds, but reveals all too plainly their latent misanthropy. And given that we’re all going through a sample of what “degrowth” means right now, this film is very poorly timed.

    By the way, I think the greens have only begun to exploit the virus crisis, but have no idea what a disaster it is for them. In any case, don’t forget to have handy the quote from U.S. government scientist David Graber than “Until such time as Homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along.” Yeah, go with that greenies; it’ll win friends and influence people everywhere.

    1. Thanks for the clip and film assessment, Fred. It looks like they’d recognize how clean nat gas is. At least they are recognizing that wind/solar–with Brobdingnagian scale taxpayer subsidy!–are not effectively replacing petroleum, nuclear, and hydro energy.

      The anti-human attitude certainly fits with the behavior of Fauci and Bill Gates.

      The Green subsidy money has been used to poison Republican legislators. It is a major problem. Republicans are better than Dems, but not that much. Look at the venal manner in which they have privileged the pig factories in eastern NC, allowing them to abuse their neighbors horribly, in a way that could never happen in a free market with reasonable tort courts.

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