NC GOP Tarred And Feathered Despite Abortion Cave

Recall the decision by the Republicans’ NC General Assembly leadership to cave on the abortion issue and allow the barbarous procedure in North Carolina through the few few months of pregnancy.

This was obviously a political calculation designed to protect their incumbency at the expense of public morality and the lives of many thousands of North Carolina babies.

It is interesting that, in spite of this decision, they lost their supermajority status in the North Carolina House. Republicans were still pummeled with relentless, merciless negative advertising on the abortion issue– against Dan Bishop, Jefferson Griffin, Mark Robinson and others.

They did not inoculate themselves from abortion-related political attacks with their capitulation. Instead, many of them coasted to victory in their gerrymandered districts while their statewide candidates fought off abortion-related political attacks.

Doing the wrong thing is not the best course. Political cowardice is rarely rewarded. They missed a huge opportunity on the abortion issue; and their candidates paid a heavy price nonetheless.


2 thoughts on “NC GOP Tarred And Feathered Despite Abortion Cave

  1. It appears that the chicken was let out of the pen when the SCOTUS handed down its decision . Those of us that oppose the procedure have an uphill march to turn around public the opinion on this thorny issue. The pill is an even more challenging duel. Fearlessness and bravery will be necessary.

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