This Week In North Carolina: Good News and Bad News

A couple of striking developments took place in the Triangle metro area this week in connection with our state government.

First, the good news.

The UNC Board of Governors ended measures promoting the DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) agenda in the state university system. The UNC system now must demonstrate “institutional neutrality” on these matters. This follows similar action by the UNC Chapel Hill Board of Trustees within the last couple of weeks.

Let’s talk about “shock and awe”. This is magnificent. After so many years of being reticent to do anything of substance, this Board has finally acted in a decisive manner to chip away at the progressive/ socialist management of these campuses. Let’s hope we see more.

Now, the bad news.

The anti-masking bill passed by the NC Senate predictably ran into problems in the NC House. The Republicans have a supermajority, so it had to be their own caucus members that made passage impossible. And in fact, that was the case.

Tim Moore’s previous management of the House brought us urban moderates in the GOP caucus to gain seats. I don’t agree with using the term “RINO’s” because, in fact, these folks act like typical Republicans. Their primary interest is to sabotage conservative outcomes.

The two chief culprits identified in local media are Erin Pare from Wake County and our own Donny Lambeth from Winston-Salem. These two Republicans deserve the utter contempt of the rank and file.

Lambeth is a former hospital administrator from Winston-Salem who represents the corrupt hospital systems in Raleigh. He was a major advocate of Medicaid expansion.

It is absolutely shameful that Republican politicians such as these cater to ignorance and delusions and irrational fear. Of course, in Lambeth’s case, the hospital systems LOVE masking so he is merely representing his de facto employers. They love to impose masking on their employees when it is completely unnecessary.

These two individuals need to be thrown out of office.


4 thoughts on “This Week In North Carolina: Good News and Bad News

  1. I won’t give up on the Republican party. Pare and Lambeth should be primaried.

    Hope for the best!

  2. Lambeth is my rep. I expressed to him the wrongness of his expansion of Medicaid initiative when he was doing it. He kind of replied without the least effort at conciliation “tough.”

    Alas, he seems to be an entrenched slug. No primary opponent in a safe Republican district. The NC Republican Party that did a lot of good from 2010 to 2022 is deteriorating into just another big government party.

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