Guilford County Produces GOP Candidates for Major Offices… and What Happened?

Let’s look at what happened on Tuesday for statewide offices and congressional races that are open seats. We are concentrating on candidates from Guilford County.

Mark Robinson wins the gubernatorial nomination. While it is true that many like him and the stances he has taken, he faces a formidable opponent in the fall and will be subjected to a merciless negative campaign against him.

Mark Walker places behind Addison McDowell in the race for Congress, who secured the Trump endorsement.

Jim Kee places last in the race for NC Auditor.

Luke Farley defeats Jon Hardister for the role of Labor Commissioner.

This raises the question as to what makes a great candidate. Perhaps we need to be thinking of individuals who have significant business or career success in the private sector as a precursor to running for high office. Or perhaps we need to be thinking of folks who have demonstrated rightful thinking; the independence and courage to do the right thing; and a fighting spirit for those who have already held other elective office.

Nobody is perfect, and we all have our flaws. The question is what makes a great candidate. Comments are welcome.


2 thoughts on “Guilford County Produces GOP Candidates for Major Offices… and What Happened?

  1. What makes a great candidate ? First of all charisma. One who has integrity and comes across as principled. The ability to raise funds doesn’t hurt ( although for example Hardister outspent Farley 3:1)

    But I recall Wm. F Buckley Jr. having said ” I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University “

    1. Yes, Fred, charisma and an ability to speak on the stump are important attributes. Integrity and principle are critical. We had perhaps a couple of victories on Tuesday, but there is an unsettling feeling about some of the choices…

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