Is NC Among The 14 States Without An Abortion Center?

An interesting article at Life News reports that 49 abortion centers had closed this year nationwide. In addition, it states that 14 states have no abortion center that is open and operating. Many of these states had regulated abortion so stringently that the abortionists decided to close.

Where does that leave the state of North Carolina? We are not among those 14 states. Our Republican majority in Raleigh made sure of that.

However, it also has been reported that North Carolina has seen a 30 percent drop this past summer in the number of abortions performed. That is great news, but here is the wrinkle. There were no real legislative changes in North Carolina that would have explained such a decrease. I wonder if all the negative media/left PR against the abortion bill passed in Raleigh led many to conclude that it was much more restrictive than it truly is. Perhaps they asked themselves why they should bother to seek an abortion even though the barbaric procedure remains perfectly legal here until the 13th week of pregnancy.

I suspect the abortion statistics in North Carolina will be edging back upwards, but we shall see.


2 thoughts on “Is NC Among The 14 States Without An Abortion Center?

  1. TC: You are correct in expressing concern about NC.

    Look what recently happened in Ohio and Wisconsin when pro- abortion advocates carried the day.


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