4 thoughts on “It Wouldn’t Be Possible Without Carbon Dioxide

  1. It is true that carbon dioxide, CO2, has increased by 30% over the last 200 years. However, all that means is that in 200 years we have moved from a CO2 concentration of 0.03% to a CO2 concentration of 0.038%. That’s what all the fuss is about! That’s why we should close the factories, that’s why we should ban cars, that’s why we should stop using patio heaters, because of a 0.008% change in the earth’s atmosphere over 200 years. This is also why some very foolish Christians are running campaigns called ‘What Would Jesus Drive’. Such a thing is a great insult to our Lord and Saviour.

    Trees and plants need great quantities of carbon dioxide, which they get from the air moving around them. Humans and animals, however, can’t use it. We have to have oxygen every moment to stay alive. The Creator has designed a wonderful arrangement to maintain this balance. Every breath you breathe draws both oxygen and carbon dioxide into your lungs. The lungs give the blood its oxygen supply and also remove carbon dioxide from the blood. The carbon dioxide is discarded when you exhale.

    But that’s only part of the story. By a process called photosynthesis, plants and trees use the carbon dioxide out of the air and release oxygen back into it. Thus, vegetation uses the part which people cannot use and releases the oxygen so necessary to people. Isn’t that an amazing design!

    1. Fred, the mindset of these people have become so distorted that they are willing to sacrifice untold millions to achieve their green agenda.

      It has even gotten so crazy… I’m even hearing that Bill Gates is apparently buying up land, taking down the trees and burying them underground. That would somehow help the situation, we are to presume.

    2. “…CO2, has increased by 30% over the last 200 years. However, all that means is that in 200 years we have moved from a CO2 concentration of 0.03% to a CO2 concentration of 0.038%.” It would be so good if everyone knew that fact.

      It would put the onus on the GW pimps to support their proposition that CO2 levels serve as a simple temperature rheostat, never mind the unimaginable complexity of climate.

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