Drama At the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Let’s recall that this is the lobbying arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) — i.e., the division that is supposed to communicate to government and to policymakers the Christian worldview that ought to guide their actions. Recall further that the Ethics and Religious Commission (ERLC) within the SBC has […]

Randall Terry Gets Constitution Party Nod For President

Mr. Terry is profoundly pro-life. He founded and used to lead the organization Operation Rescue that sought to intervene with young women in front of abortion clinics to prevent abortions. He was somewhat of a trailblazer in this respect. Terry ‘s candidacy for president is motivated by the abortion issue. […]

Pope Francis Proves Papal Fallibility on Climate Change Agenda

One of the tenets of the Roman Catholic Church is that the pope is infallible– i.e., that he cannot make mistakes on matters of the faith. This week, there was some news regarding Pope Francis that is bound to raise questions among Catholics. He signed an “interfaith statement” asserting that […]