With the death of Yvonne Johnson, the Greensboro City Council had to appoint someone to replace her. She was an at-large member who represented the entire city– not just a district within the city.
Numerous folks applied to replace her and fill this at-large seat. A particularly spirited effort was made by Nicky Smith, a Republican who helped lead the recent effort to preserve Friendly Avenue. But his candidacy was quickly shot down by those on the council who clearly did not like what he might represent.
Which person was chosen?
Jamilla Pinder, a black female who works for the Cone Health Foundation. It is quite obvious that the person chosen had to be a black female. The city’s race-based machine politics– and its heavily female City Council– would not have chosen otherwise.
Yesterday, her position on the Foundation website was listed as “Director of Community Engagement and Equity“. Today, the listing says “Director of Community Engagement and Impact“. There is no explanation for why this change was made. However, her role has been to spur “health equity” for Cone Health’s foundation. That, of course, is coded language for redistributing health resources from white people to black people (instead of returning excess revenues to premium payers and patients).
Ms. Pinder appears to be a perfect fit for our matriarchal, neo-Marxist city council.
What a surprise. Not !!
TC you are 100% on the mark about the person selected and the reason she she was chosen.
Where did all that hostility shown to Nicky Smith by Nancy Hoffman come from ?
Smith may run for the District 4 seat in 10 months.
Fred, there was no way in the world that particular seat was not going to be regarded as a black seat.
I think Hoffmann and the usual crowd saw how aggressively Smith was promoting his candidacy and understood he would not be part of their crowd. They understood he is not of their mindset, and does not share their motives.
And yes, you are right. Smith plans to run for the District 4 seat being vacated by Hoffmann.