We were served up a huge falsehood last week. The story was that Thom Tillis had delivered a critical last-minute vote of support to assure Pete Hegseth’s confirmation.
The Wall Street Journal reported that he had somehow encouraged the testimony of Hegseth’s former sister-in-law that he had been a abuser. If true, that would mean he was trying to sink the confirmation.
I had heard from someone with inside information that Tillis was seeking Trump’s endorsement for his re-election in exchange for a vote for Hegseth. I cannot verify this information so it must therefore be described as rumor and hearsay. It somehow makes sense that could be the case, however, in view of the Wall Street Journal report. Place the confirmation in jeopardy, and then act as the hero at the last minute once you have gotten what you wanted out of the process.
Tillis is a devious politician. What else would we expect ?
Good point, Fred. If the general public in NC only knew how awful he is…
Tillas is an absolute toolbag, not sure if you listened to KC this past Thursday or Wednesday but he spent his 3 hours crapping on him and vowed to use his platform to oust him
Good for KC, Guy. This really ought to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I think the smelly Tillis knows that we in NC are on to him. I expect to see a lot of him posing as a conservative over the next few months. Hopefully, we can benefit from ‘hypocrisy being the homage vice pays virtue’.
Healey, I think conservatives need to unite behind a single, good candidate. And that candidate needs to be hardy and resilient and determined because Tillis’ opponents have had a history of getting dragged down, sometimes in a very dark manner with forces aligned against them.
And Trump needs to refrain from endorsing Tillis.
Amen, Triad!