I have visited the National Cathedral twice, many years ago. It has been a lefty place for a long time; and the Episcopal denomination has skewed far left for many decades. The cathedral’s foundation– that runs the place– was granted a charter by Congress 130 years ago.
The video has some great points on the foolishness of ecumenicism and the need to reassert our Christian identity as a nation:
In typical Trump fashion he tore into the Democratic bishop who lectured him at the National Prayer Service.
Here is what he said on Truth Social:
“The so-called Bishop who spoke at the National Prayer Service on Tuesday morning was a Radical Left hard line Trump hater”. “She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way,” he said — saying she did so in a “nasty” tone that was “not compelling or smart.”
I say good for him, Fred. Perhaps he will discuss the Pope and the Catholic bishops in the United States also. (I think JD Vance discussed briefly the Catholic bishops). They are all pro-migration, even if illegal.