The Greensboro Illegal Immigrant Facility Is No More

There was quite a build-up. The failed Jewish school was going to be used to house illegal minors. Former congresswoman Kathy Manning– a former immigration attorney– was the obvious “broker” for making it happen.

There were questions as to when it would open. We were told that leases has been agreed upon, monies had been paid, and employees were being trained. In fact, we were told they were bused in from an off-campus location.

But then it never happened. In the meantime, however, some key parties got paid lots of money– the school itself, the politically connected business entity that was going to run the facility, and the financiers in communist China.

Now we learn that the federal government is terminating its contract with the failed Jewish school.

What a fiasco.


4 thoughts on “The Greensboro Illegal Immigrant Facility Is No More

  1. Good grief ! The taxpayers were ripped off on this sweetheart deal. It was one big lie after another.

    1. Exactly so, Fred! Didn’t a lot of the money go to the Chinese holding the mortgage, which otherwise would have been in default? Anyone know who presently owns it?

      One can be sure that the politically well-connect scored millions of taxpayer $s (money taxpayers worked to earn) for rendering no service.

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