4 thoughts on “Daniel Penny Was A Good Samaritan

  1. A parabel worth retelling. A biblical story used to illustrate a moral lesson, The jury did the right thing in nullfying the charge against Peny.

  2. Tangentially related via our Dept of Injustice: Scott Addams on Rumble discusses that 14 Minneapolis police made sworn statements that their police chief perjured herself in saying the hold Derek Chauvin used on St. Geo. Floyd was not what they were taught. So he was convicted for policing as he was taught. That is the only mention I’ve seen of a really significant piece of news.

    A hard search found this:

    1. This is not surprising, Healey. We all remember the massive outbreak of lunacy that took place. And people in positions to make decisions were overtly intimidated. Make the wrong move, and it will cost you and/or your family.

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