6 thoughts on “Journalists: Where Were You When It Mattered?

  1. Mainstream media finally admits Biden’s lost his marbles

    by Howie Carr
    Dec.22, 2024

    Now they tell us!

    Regime-controlled media are finally willing to let the cat out of the bag — Dementia Joe Biden is senile, demented, and has been since Day One, and long before that.

    Not so long ago, the apparatchiks from the Times dutifully reported that he was conducting “Socratic dialogues” in the Oval Office. As recently as April, MSNBC said that “this version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever.”

    But that was then, this is now, and this is the new line from the Democrats’ Ministry of Truth.

    We knew it all along! We just didn’t tell you because… Democrat omerta.

    All those videos of Dementia Joe falling down and randomly screaming and shaking hands with people who weren’t there and giving shout outs to dead people — those were “cheap fakes.” That’s all you heard from National Panhandler Radio or CNN or the Washington Post.

    Cheap fakes. That was what the Ministry of Truth ordered them all to say in June. It was the party line, a more rigidly enforced political orthodoxy than anything on Radio Moscow in 1953.

    Just for the record, you read about Joe’s senescence here first, and about once a month ever since the fall of 2020. I transcribed his gibberish, right off the videotape, damn it, and I got the pounding headaches to prove it.

    Here’s the headline from my column on Oct. 3, 2020:

    “Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline.”

    I mention this today in the wake of the “bombshell’’ reports this week in state-run media chronicling the misadventures of the worst president in US history.

    From “Cheap fakes” to “A Weary Biden Heads for the Exit.” In less than six months.

    Does this mean that all unedited video from last summer wasn’t “cheap fakes” after all? The only thing that’s changed is the narrative, as the despicable hacks position themselves to collect more fake Pulitzers for “reporting” what they resolutely tried to lie to the American people about for at least the last five years.

    An odd thing about last week’s very reluctant, almost apologetic “bombshells” was that everything was written in the past tense, like Biden isn’t still making an absolute fool out of himself and the entire duplicitous Deep State that tried to prop him up for so long, with such catastrophic results for the nation.

    So let’s check in with some of Brandon’s most recent Greatest Hits.

    After pardoning his crackhead bagman son, he took it on the lam to Africa, where he bragged yet again about his railroad travels. As always, all dialogue guaranteed verbatim:

    “I’m probably the most pro-rail guy in America. I’ve ridden over a million three hundred thousand miles on a daily basis in my work.”

    That’s what he said — 1.3 million miles, every day! That soundbite didn’t make NPR, did it?

    He also said his freeloading wife, “Dr.” Jill, was also on a whirlwind global tour. Right Joe?

    “She did go spend a little time in Sicily because, just a day or so, to visit her great-great grandmother’s parents.”

    And you thought Joe Biden was older than dirt.

    Joe likes to brag. Especially about stuff he didn’t do. The bigger the lie, the bigger the boast. Consider the war in Gaza.

    “I’ve gotten over 100 hostages out and I will not stop until I get every single one of them out.”

    Can I get me a fact check over here in Aisle 6? Speaking of which, how would you rate this recent brag of Brandon’s on the Truth-Meter?

    “Have we left the country in better shape than we found it? Today I can say with all my heart the answer to that question is a resounding yes.”

    Au contraire, Brandon, the answer is a resounding no.

    He kept lying about the “fairly strong economy,” saying “It is my profound hope that the new administration will preserve and build on this progress.”

    Progress? Or, as a bumper sticker says, “Joe Biden Owes Me Gas Money.”

    But the Big Guy does understand that… something happened. In a podcast with a slobbering Democrat stenographer, he admitted that prices are, uh, you know, the thing.

    “You go to a grocery store, dozen eggs, a gallon of milk, a pound of bacon still costs more than it did before the pandemic.”

    The pandemic? Surely the Worst President in US History meant to say, everything costs more than it did before I was installed as president and proceeded to absolutely demolish the US economy.

    Talking about his infrastructure boondoggle, Biden forgot how long Trump was president the last time — “the last guy spent eight years saying ‘Next month.’ Four years saying ‘next month.’”

    He reminisced about his earlier days — “as they say on the Senate floor of the United States Senate.”

    Sometimes he still must try to mumble a few somber remarks:

    “We’re gathered in a samala, uh, a solemn location….”

    What a bleep-show this administration has been. I won’t even mention Jill recently saluting her husband’s “integrity,” or Kamala Harris using one of her favorite words, “clear,” three times in 15 seconds last weekend, as she was slurring her way through a cocktail-hour address to DNC staffers.

    I’ve written over 40 of these columns about Biden’s drooling senility since 2000. This is probably the second-to-last one. I plan to do one more, early next month, before the Restoration.

    I need that final 2025 column for my portfolio of I-was-the-first-one-to-report-that-Biden-was-senile competition for the Pulitzer Prize.

    Not being a pampered puke with a trust fund and a phony-baloney Ivy League degree, I’m a major underdog against all the johnny-come-lately Democrat fluffers in state-run media.

    But at least I can write honestly on my own behalf, “For almost six years, from 2020 to 2025, Howie wrote about Biden, solely using Biden’s own words, and unlike everyone of the legacy scribes, he never once described the resulting drivel, blather, bilge and balderdash as a ‘Socratic dialogue.’”

    All of the above is true. Too bad, because that’s the ultimate disqualifier. Oh well, at least we won, and they lost. Maybe my Aunt Mabel was right after all: Cheaters never prosper.

    At least they didn’t in 2024.

    1. Fred, everything the socialists (and their accomplices in the media) do must be understood in the context of their overwhelming zeal to acquire and maintain power. I have said this before, but it explains everything. They regard notions of right and wrong as quaint.

  2. Well at least Howie Carr exposed Biden’s empty head back in 2000″

    ” Just for the record, you read about Joe’s senescence here first, and about once a month ever since the fall of 2020. I transcribed his gibberish, right off the videotape, damn it, and I got the pounding headaches to prove it.

    Here’s the headline from my column on Oct. 3, 2020:

    “Media continue to cover up Joe Biden’s mental decline.”

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