Changing of the Guard Getting Tillis Riled Up

I found a couple of items that suggest Thom Tillis is not entirely happy that the rules have changed since McConnnell stepped down and Trump won the election.

First (HT: NC Renegade), he nearly blows a gasket, literally shouting in response to Rand Paul’s reasonable suggestion to exhibit fiscal conservatism. I had never seen him react so angrily when debating the socialists, but he has plenty of ire for a conservative senator:

Then, he went out of his way to oppose some reforms within the GOP caucus proposed by conservative Senator Mike Lee.

We really need to get rid of this guy; but we are stuck with him at least for a long while. I hope Elon Musk funds a primary opponent the next time he has to run.

Of course, in the event he survives primary season, he might also be facing a formidable challenger in the November general election because it has been widely discussed that Roy Cooper plans to run to unseat him. I suspect Tillis would lose that race.


6 thoughts on “Changing of the Guard Getting Tillis Riled Up

  1. Amen. Alas, NC seems to suffer a dearth of dynamic MAGA candidates with decent bases of support. Too many Republican normal politicians like McCrory and Tillis who make the mediocre the enemy of the good.

    1. You are right, Healey. And when good candidates arise, things seem to arise that derail their efforts– sometimes instigated from the establishment Republican crowd.

      Now, Tillis is being described by The Hill as one of the GOP senators most likely to derail Trump’s nominations.

    1. Yes, he would be, Fred. Of course, if there are multiple primary challengers, it will divide up the vote, so conservatives really need to unite behind a single challenger. And of course, money is helpful to run a successful campaign and good organization.

      1. I agree with both Fred and TC on Bishop and the need to coalesce behind one genuine liberty/MAGA candidate. Furthermore, if he gets the nomination, he should negotiate with the NC LP to push one of their planks in exchange for their not running a candidate. The LP has in cruel irony several times elected Dem candidates who are worse in terms of expanding the big government they despise, 2024 1st District NC Congressional race a case in point.

        1. Healey, I think the Libertarian Party is so unfortunate. So wise and clear thinking on the role and size of the federal government (and of government in general), but so dead wrong on the social issues and immigration and borders and trade and sovereignty.

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