Shootings, Murders on Guilford College Road, Holden Road

We learned within the last several weeks of shootings and/or murders occurring on the stretch of Holden Rd. between Bryan Blvd. and Benjamin Pkwy; and also on the part of Guilford College Road just north of Bridford Pkwy.

During the mayoralty of Nancy Vaughn, we now see murders taking place in parts of Greensboro that previously did not have this type of problem. I recall reading about murders on New Garden and West Friendly during recent years.

You can blame this on Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, which was kneecapped by Trump but then restored by Biden. This was an unconstitutional measure pushing real estate markets to spread crime-ridden populations everywhere. Greensboro eagerly (and predictably) jumped aboard; and we now have charity housing throughout the city.

And we thus also have murders throughout the city. The people who rule Greensboro and the socialists in Washington would regard this as progress.


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