Remain mindful of the fact that Durham is a Democratic jurisdiction; and that it is run according to the principles of racial identity politics– just like Greensboro.
It requires, however, certain tests of those applying to become firefighters; and it is therefore regarded by Biden’s people as detestable.
That is why the socialist administration in Washington sues a socialist locality in North Carolina. Now Durham must pay certain applicants nearly a million dollars because of the settlement, and hire some of them: (HT: NC Renegade)
Last week, Durham, North Carolina settled with the DOJ, saying blacks failed the tests required to become a firefighter more often, and “Employers should identify and eliminate practices that have a disparate impact based on race.” It said the Durham Fire Department must pay nearly a million dollars to people who failed the test and hire up to 16 of them.
While the DOJ said the tests were irrelevant to being a good firefighter, an online practice test suggests that it is directly relevant, that people could die if such firefighters were hired. One question asks if a building is 350 feet away, how many 60-foot hoses would be needed.
Steven Horn indicates that the city of Durham is consequently being forced to lower its standards because of this action.