Can’t Become Complacent

I have been seeing a lot of triumphalism on various conservative sites and on social media anticipating a Trump victory:

Indeed, the trend revealed by various polls is looking very favorable. The most accurate polls look even more favorable.

But 2020 proved that the socialists can bring a highly flawed, impaired candidate across the finish line. Their combination of get-out-the-vote prowess and election fraud is hard to beat.

Remember also the 2022 mid-term elections. The Republicans were doing very well in the polls and then got pummeled on election day.

The GOP has upped its game since then. Their efforts to register voters and to get people to participate in mail voting and early voting is reaping dividends. Some controls against election fraud have been implemented in various states. Poll watchers and lawyers are assembled to respond to situations if needed.

They cannot take anything for granted. A full court press is needed. One factor in their favor is the fact that there is a distinct lack of enthusiasm for Kamala on the part of the socialists.

But keep in mind that big majorities are needed in the House and Senate to overcome the efforts by liberal Republicans to sabotage Trump– and to sabotage conservative outcomes.

If Trump is not killed before Election Day, it will be fascinating to see what happens.


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