Local Notes: Interactive Resource Center, Property Taxes and Transgender Rules in NC

A few interesting stories arose over the last couple of days:

  1. Recall the embattled Interactive Resource Center serving the homeless in Greensboro that has come under criticism recently because of crime and disorder surrounding its facility. It turns out that the organization’s Executive Director, Kristina Singleton, was recently charged with shoplifting at a couple of local Target stores.
  2. Joe Biden’s Title IX transgender rules for schools are being stopped in some states because of a court ruling. But because the socialists control the highest political positions in the state of North Carolina, our state is subject to these rules. (It turns out that hundreds of North Carolina school are exempt from these rules for various reasons, however.)
  3. Property taxes have exploded upward in Guilford County and Greensboro over the last few years. It turns out that a limited number of homeowners– mostly elderly– can get some relief from these property taxes. Scott Yost has the details at the Rhino Times.