I have highlighted here with some regularity videos featuring Jack Posobiec. He is a talented young television journalist who previously served in the military and worked in Navy intelligence. He is a staunch Catholic who previously was a reporter for One America News; and who now has a television show/ podcast on Real America’s Voice (link in the sidebar).
Posobiec teamed up with Joshua Lisec to write a book called “Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (And How to Crush Them)”.
He discusses in detail the techniques used by Marxists in the various revolutions that they instigated worldwide. He claims the French Revolution was communist in nature; but also discusses Russia; Spain; China; Cuba: Chile; Cambodia; Nicaragua; Afghanistan; Rhodesia and South Africa. Considerable history was shared which I found unfamiliar but which was nonetheless pertinent and eye-opening.
Of course, the death toll from communism worldwide is likely in excess of 100 million people killed in various ways. This is a fact that tends not to get widely disseminated to the public.
Posobiec and Lisec lay out in detail the methods used during the above revolutions; and make the case that there are certain commonalities observed. It became very apparent that the same techniques used in those revolutions have been used by the left in the United States also.
The inescapable conclusion is that we have been in the midst of a Marxist revolution for some time. Unfortunately, our political line of defense– the Republicans– has not been terribly effective countering this.
Posobiec says there are methods to oppose Marxist revolutionary tactics as they are currently used in the United States. He particularly likes and pushes the concept of “reciprocity”— the premise that the techniques they have used on us need to be turned on them. He gives numerous examples of how that would work.
But he states other methods to oppose Marxist revolution also exist; and he encourages a multi-pronged approach. I personally believe that Marxism ought not be permitted because it inherently rebels against the Constitution. Marxism and the US Constitution are mutually exclusive.
Unfortunately, ignorance of the awfulness of communism and Marxism is increasingly common, particularly among younger people. This knowledge gap is intentional because the public schools do not teach it much, and instead are focused on tearing down America.
I won’t attempt to recount all the details in the book. But it is worth reading because the hour is late.
Under Communism, the people are given what they need; if they need a bullet up beside the head, they’ll get it.
“death toll from communism worldwide is likely in excess of 100 million people killed”
This should be mentioned every time someone mentions the 6 million Jews, and any other time holocaust-like subjects are raised. People need to know this. Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot made Hitler seem like a choirboy.
The brutality of the Marxist dictators, Healey, continues to be ignored and filed away. Mao appears to be the worst in raw numbers, but they all engage in this type of behavior.
Some are now re-interpreting World War II as a war between fascism and communism. Communism won, and much of the West– including the US and Britain– sided with Stalin.
That’s right, Triad. WWII was in effect the war that made the world safe for Communism. Indeed, without the massive US aid to Russia (I believe starting well before Pearl Harbor–and really massive to the point of causing privation in the US), the Nazis and Commies would have fought each other to a bloody nub. And thus Stalin would have been unable to fund Mao.
The left refers to WWII as “the good war” for a reason, I suppose.