4 thoughts on “Attacks On The Truth

  1. Wow! Amazing how the subtle redefinition of “truth” eliminates all things spiritual from being real for school students. School teachers in my family long ago credited Dewey with the destruction of fundamental values in our education system.

  2. TC: I also took the time to watch https://americangroomerfilm.com/. Shocking..Bravo for Ms. Barbera for producing it.

    My Children and grandchildren are now out of the public school system and I am sure if they were exposed to this sick pedagogy they rejected it.

    There should be more homeschooling .

    Here are some facts about home schooling:

    1. There are 3.7 million homeschool students in the U.S.

    2. States with the most homeschoolers are North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia.

    3. The top reason for homeschooling is a concern about school environment.

    4. Homeschool students outperform institutional school students academically.

    5. The highest homeschooling rate is among students with a grade equivalent of 6 to 8.

    6. 48% of homeschooling households have three or more children.

    7. The average cost of homeschooling is $700-$1,800 per student annually.

    8. 1 in 3 homeschooling households has an annual income of over $100,000.

    9. Homeschooling saves about $56 billion of taxpayer money annually.

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