2 thoughts on “Corrupt Incentives To Push Excessive Vaccines For Kids

  1. Dang, this is a perplexing problem. I am sure that as a infant I received the full protocol of vaccinations . Same thing as my kids.

    The data of Dr Thomas sure raises some concerns.

    Now that I am a great grandfather I worry about the CDC schedule of infant vaccinations for my great grandson. For example I saw this the other day.

    “A single measles jab is up to 2.6 times more likely to be completely ineffective in C-section babies, compared to those born vaginally. Their immune systems fail to produce antibodies to fight against measles infection

    However, a second follow-up jab does induce robust immunity against measles, researchers report May 13 in the journal Nature Microbiology.”

    On the other hand there are studies that show good outcomes with vaccines:

    “Risk of sudden infant death syndrome after immunization with the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine”

    M R Griffin 1, W A Ray, J R Livengood, W Schaffner


    “To evaluate recent immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP) as a possible risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), we studied the rates of SIDS after the administration of DTP vaccine in a cohort of 129,834 children who were born in four urban Tennessee counties during the period from 1974 through 1984. All the children received at least one DTP immunization in the first year of life at county health-department clinics or from Medicaid providers. Computerized immunization records from these sources were linked with Tennessee birth and death certificates to establish the cohort, ascertain the timing of immunization, and identify cases of SIDS. These children represented 42 percent of the births in the four counties. Among these children, 204 deaths occurred at the ages of 29 to 365 days; 109 deaths were classified as due to SIDS. We estimated the risk of SIDS according to the length of time, up to 30 days, since DTP immunization and compared it with the risk 31 days or more after immunization to calculate the relative risk. With control for age, the relative risk from 0 to 3 days after DTP immunization was 0.18 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.04 to 0.8); from 4 to 7 days, 0.17 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.04 to 0.7); from 8 to 14 days, 0.75 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.4 to 1.5); and from 15 to 30 days, 1.0 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.6 to 1.6). A multivariate analysis in which we controlled for age, sex, race, year, birth weight, and Medicaid enrollment, produced similar results. We conclude that in this large population of children there was no increase in the risk of SIDS after immunization with the DTP vaccine.”

    “Immunization Safety Review: Vaccinations and Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy”

    Institute of Medicine (US) Immunization Safety Review Committee
    Kathleen Stratton, Donna A. Almario, Theresa M. Wizemann, Marie C. McCormick , editors.


    “With current recommendations calling for infants to receive multiple doses of vaccines during their first year of life and with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) the most frequent cause of death during the postneonatal period, it is important to respond to concerns that vaccination might play a role in sudden unexpected infant death.

    The committee reviewed epidemiologic evidence focusing on three outcomes: SIDS, all SUDI (sudden unexpected death in infancy), and neonatal death (infant death, whether sudden or not, during the first 4 weeks of life). Based on this review, the committee concluded that the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between some vaccines and SIDS; and that the evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between other vaccines and SIDS, SUDI, or neonatal death. The evidence regarding biological mechanisms is essentially theoretical, reflecting in large measure the lack of knowledge concerning the pathogenesis of SIDS.”
    Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2003.

    1. One would need to get down in the weeds, Fred, to examine the validity of the IOM review. Kids now receive literally dozens of shots throughout their early childhood, and some of these are for conditions that are not transmitted in the school setting, and that are not likely to cause death or disability. Moreover, the school requirements to adhere to the current mandated vaccine schedule takes away the right of consent for parents and patients. There is much to be concerned about…

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