Why The Medical Journals Did Not Publish The Problems With The Covid “Vaccines”

This tweet is from Britain, but the same phenomenon occurs in the United States: A dynamite tweet that is being shadow-banned on X, showing deep corruption in the British medical regulatory agencies@DrJBhattacharya @CShoemakerMD @DrAseemMalhotra @lawrie_dr https://t.co/ERnZAded8R — The Deep Reporter (@EMWResearch) June 9, 2024

Swiss Doctor Speaks Out On The mRNA Vaccines

Of note is the fact that he spoke out early in the pandemic against the COVID fear-based policies. The authorities retaliated against him by placing him in a psychiatric hospital: Swiss cardiologist calls for the abolishment of the WHO. "Enough is enough ‼️‼️ pic.twitter.com/pUv6uF6Zng — “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) June […]