Biden Imprisoning 88 Year Old Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor

Christian Post:

Edl told The Daily Signal that she is already resigned to the possibility that she will be imprisoned until the end of her life for her protests, during which she and others attempted to dissuade women from going through with their planned abortions.

“When I was indicted, I began to prepare to die there,” she said. “Right now, I am ambivalent. … I’m doing the best I can to get ready. Haven’t talked to a funeral director yet.”

“I’m just being sensible,” she added. “There’s no guarantee that I survive it.”

Edl further warned that the U.S. government is increasingly resembling the communist regime her family escaped, recalling to the outlet how she was only 9 years old when she and her family were taken in cattle cars to the Gakovo concentration camp in what was then Yugoslavia…

Former President Donald Trump mentioned Edl’s case during a speech at the National Religious Broadcasters 2024 International Christian Media Convention in Nashville in February.

Trump presented the treatment of Edl and the other defendants in Tennessee as an example of Biden’s DOJ exhibiting communist-like tactics by targeting Christians, even as they leave the southern border wide open while allowing many criminals to break the law with impunity.

“This is a communist state, just so you understand,” Trump said. “This is the beginning of a communist state, whether it’s [my indictments] or any one of another thousand things that are going on. This is the only way they’re going to be able to stay in office because they’re running a regime that is so incompetent. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it.”


4 thoughts on “Biden Imprisoning 88 Year Old Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor

  1. Biden brings senility, depravity and spite to Obama’s disdain and contempt for our formerly great country.

  2. Sores covered nearly every inch of Eva Edl’s emaciated young body. People gagged when they came near her; bed bugs, fleas and lice were devouring her “festering body.”

    These sickening details are only a fraction of the horrors young Eva suffered as a victim of the most dreaded communist death camp in Yugoslavia after World War II: Gakova. After years of living in hell, facing death daily, Eva’s family finally escaped to the U.S. They believed that America was free, and that their rights would be protected by a government with their best interests at heart.
    Today, the government they trusted is fighting to throw 87-year-old Eva into prison for her pro-life advocacy.

    Sadly, Eva’s plight perfectly exemplifies how dangerous the weaponization of the U.S. government has become, and how far the left will go to punish anyone who interferes with their radical agenda.

    Eva is one of four pro-life advocates recently convicted under the Freedom to Access Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which prohibits the use of force, threat of force or physical obstruction to prevent women from obtaining or providing “reproductive health care services.”

    In March 2021, Eva and other pro-life advocates participated in a prayer protest inside a Tennessee abortion clinic. The pro-lifers stood in front of the clinic’s doors while peacefully singing Christian hymns and praying.

    For this, they face up to six months in prison, five years of “supervised release” and fines up to $10,000. (Typically, FACE Act violations carry a maximum sentence of up to 11 years in prison, and up to $250k in fines.)

    Meanwhile, pro-abortion rights extremists firebomb, vandalize and terrorize pro-life centers and Catholic Churches with impunity.

    It is unquestionable that Eva and her pro-life compatriots’ prosecutions are intended to send a message. The FBI and Department of Justice have prosecuted nonviolent pro-life offenders with the FACE Act, while turning a blind eye to the violent, ongoing and terrifying attacks on other institutions protected by the FACE Act: churches and pregnancy help centers.

    1. Fred, thanks for posting that. This is a great example of how egregious Biden’s actions have become. Once again, we are in the midst of a neo-Marxist revolution– and Biden’s handlers are the engineers.

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