Protest March Being Organized at UNC Chapel Hill Against Dr. Baric On Saturday

Here is the plan for Saturday, March 9 I learned from those involved with the medical freedom movement:

We will be meeting at 12:00 noon at the Courthouse (known as “Peace & Justice Plaza”) located at 179 E Franklin St. The march will head west down Franklin Street and turn left onto S. Columbia St. to the Gillings School of public health where Ralph Baric’s BSL3 lab is located (135 Dauer Drive just off Columbia.

Baric, of course, was involved in the types of gain-of-function experiments that produced the harmful, toxic Covid “vaccines” (and that initially created the Covid-19 virus itself). This type of research ought not be happening in the state of North Carolina.


4 thoughts on “Protest March Being Organized at UNC Chapel Hill Against Dr. Baric On Saturday

  1. Thanks to all who have the courage and strength to participate in this protest.

  2. I’m very glad to hear this and wonder if this is the first Baric protest. The first time I heard this monster’s name, I wanted to track him down and protest at his house. I found his address but never took action. Kudos to the medical freedom movement and shame on Baric and Fauci and Dazack and UNC-CH!

    1. TCFan, I know it will be a rainy day in Chapel Hill, and I am not sure how much this was publicized, so am unsure to what extent this will materialize today. But much greater scrutiny needs to be applied to what Baric and UNC Chapel Hill are doing.

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