Proving The Transgender Falsehoods

The WPATH files can be viewed here. (HT: Do No Harm)


4 thoughts on “Proving The Transgender Falsehoods

  1. It is immensely puzzling how educated men whose oath is to do no harm can perform these grotesque procedures.

    Reminds me of Mary Shelley’s novel ” Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus “.

    Also why are authorities keeping under wraps the Nashville trans-shooter’s manifesto.

    1. This is probably the work of the FBI, Fred; but the Nashville Police Department is run by leftists, so they might have a role in this also.

      With regard to your first statement, there is a new breed of medical professional being produced by the medical schools. Obviously, there are major issues.

  2. Why I Am Publishing WPATH Files And How I Got Them

    The written WPATH Files come from WPATH’s member discussion forum, which runs on software provided by DocMatter.

    Ninety seconds of the 82-minute video was made public last year. We are making the full video available for the first time.

    One or more people gave me the WPATH Files, and my colleagues and I attempted to summarize them as a series of articles. We quickly realized the topic was too sensitive, complex, and large to be dealt with as a work of journalism, and we moved the project to the research institute I founded seven years ago, Environmental Progress (EP).

    The Files are authentic. We redacted most names and left only those individuals who are leading gender medicine practitioners to whom we sent “right-of-reply” emails. We know WPATH members discussed our emails internally. No WPATH leader or member has denied that the Files are anything other than what they appear to be.

    EP is publishing a 70-page report to provide context for the 170 pages of WPATH Files. Mia Hughes is the author of the report. It and accompanying summary materials can be downloaded at the link below. That link also provides a link to the full WPATH video.

    What follows are simply a few highlights. People with a serious interest in the topic should read the report and all the files:

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