We’re Going to Have Some Run-off Republican Primaries

To win a primary election in North Carolina outright, the candidate must exceed 30% of the vote. As best I can discern, there are four major races for which there will be a run-off primary election. The run-off will be held on Tuesday, May 14.

For each of these races, there was a crowded field of candidates that prevented anyone from exceeding 30%. The four races are as follows:

US House of Representatives, District 6: Addison McDowell placed first, and Mark Walker second. They will oppose each other.

US House of Representatives, District 13: Kelly Daughtry and Brad Knott will face off.

Lieutenant Governor: Hal Weatherman will run against Jim O’Neill.

State Auditor: Jack Clark will be opposed by Dave Boliek.


5 thoughts on “We’re Going to Have Some Run-off Republican Primaries

  1. Here is hoping that the best GOP candidates will be on the ballot come Nov. 5th.

    1. Fred, I hope to have more analysis later today or tonight. It’s always best not to have high expectations regarding GOP candidates, because otherwise one is at risk of disappointment after having experienced betrayal and surrender.

  2. I heard Trump at the rally as he endorsed McDowell because he was a hunter friend of Don, Jr.. Then I found McDowell resigned from his lobbyist position with Blue Cross Blue Shield before running for office.

    Tell me again why Walker chose not to run in 2020 and allowed Manning to do her dastardly deeds…

    Thus, I don’t care for either candidate.

    Thanks to your article, I checked out The Haymaker and there wasn’t anything good said about the remaining candidates for Lt. Gov and Auditor either.

    Tough choices remain.

    1. You are absolutely right, TCFan. I think perhaps Trump endorsed McDowell because he is young and therefore malleable. McDowell’s association with Budd might be a good thing, so we can only hope for the best. There is no question that Trump’s endorsement in this race is powerful.

      I expect I might take a deeper dive into the Lt. Governor’s race at some point, but I think we also need to be concerned about the governor’s race.

    2. You may be being too severe on both these 2. Don, Jr. is quite intelligent and grounded, such that if he knows Addison well, Trump would hardly have endorsed him without Don’s imprimatur. And Budd endorsed him as well. I heard a short interview of him in which he came across much better than in those lame ads.

      After redistricting, it would have been extremely difficult for a Republican to win the 6th district, so Walker was probably doing the reasonable thing: You have to pick your battles wisely.

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