The “Smoking Gun” E-mails That Showed the Biden White House Knew About Vaccine Issues

Start at the 3:45 mark. The discussion reveals there were e-mail communications during 2021 between the CDC, the NIH and communications people at the White House devising a plan to “message” away the real harms caused by the Covid vaccines. This was happening as vaccine mandates were being imposed on the American people:


2 thoughts on “The “Smoking Gun” E-mails That Showed the Biden White House Knew About Vaccine Issues

  1. This crowd reminds me of Baghdad Bob and Joseph Goebbels , who said ” A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth “

    1. Lying is Biden’s specialty. Do you remember when he promised during the 2020 campaign to contain the spread of Covid-19? He knew this was a promise he could not keep, even with his advanced state of dementia.

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