Governor-Elect Josh Stein Won’t Deport Illegals

An interesting article at Carolina Journal suggests that Josh Stein won’t commit to acquiescing with efforts Trump might initiate to deport illegals. He claims to support the deportation of criminal illegal aliens. But then he conveniently overlooks the fact that some North Carolina sheriffs have been refusing to cooperate with […]

NC Sheriffs Bill, Jefferson Griffin Race, UNC Chapel Hill Gain-of-Function Research

There has been a cluster of news regarding our state government over the last couple of days. First, the General Assembly did override Cooper’s veto. It is thus now state law that county sheriffs must cooperate with federal immigration authorities. It eliminates in some important respects “sanctuary county” status that […]

Trump Says He Will Stop “Anchor Babies” Becoming Citizens

This is the right policy. He will almost certainly be challenged in the courts, but perhaps the Supreme Court might rule correctly: REPORT: TRUMP TO END ANCHOR BABY BIRTHRIGHT U.S. CITIZENSHIP!Trump, "On Day One,..The Law – Going Forward, The Future Children Of Illegal Aliens Will NOT Receive Automatic U.S. Citizenship." […]