Greensboro City Council To Vote On Neighborhood Conservation Overlay For West Friendly

Readers will recall that a recent development proposal for West Friendly Ave. drew considerable opposition. Neighborhood residents in response developed and advanced a proposal for a Neighborhood Conservation Overlay to preserve the character of the neighborhood. The Greensboro City Council will be voting on this proposal on Tuesday. We shall […]

What is Driving the Civil Service Review Board Bill for Greensboro, Winston-Salem?

There has been some reporting in the local media this week about a bill that was advanced and passed in the NC House of Representatives. It seeks to create Civil Service Review Boards for the cities of Greensboro and Winston-Salem. When a city employee is fired or demoted, he or […]

Greensboro’s “Sheds for the Homeless”

An interesting proposal is being developed by Greensboro’s city government. There is a desire to provide housing for the homeless. The city is accordingly proposing a “Pallet Shelter” project. Approximately thirty of these tiny houses are being planned. They will be located on the ballfield at Pomona Park. There have […]