Renewable Energy Would Gobble Up Huge Amounts of Land In NC

The state of North Carolina has a mandated plan to reduce the amount of carbon-based fuels for electricity generation. But if we rely on solar and wind, we need to consider the impacts. From the John Locke Foundation: (HT: Jeff) [W]e estimate the Nuclear Scenario requires only an additional 1,348 […]

Green Energy in NC: Farmland Threatened But New Natural Gas Plants Proposed Anyway

Most of us have seen the blight when solar panels mar the landscape on pieces of land that used to be farmed. I noticed a large new solar panel farm at the intersection of HW 158 and Church Street in Rockingham County, for instance. And this is happening even when […]

Consider the Implications of What You Are Proposing

Senator John Kennedy conducts yet another brilliant interrogation. The subject this time is a mind full of mush who advocates reducing carbon and implementing green energy. The problem is that the congressional Republicans– a group of which Kennedy is part– fund Biden’s climate agenda when they pass his spending bills: