I am not a big fan of Jesse Kelly. This is an insightful interview, nonetheless, that covers important topics: e.g., the importance of the individual states asserting themselves and taking power from the federal government; the failure of Red State/ southern Republicans (Thom Tillis is mentioned briefly); and the rapid, […]
Alex Berenson Discusses UNC’s Ralph Baric
Berenson is not an insignificant figure. He reported for the New York Times for more than a decade; and became a frequently quoted figure during the pandemic. He has a post at his Substack site that takes on the matter of UNC Chapel Hill’s Ralph Baric and his involvement with […]
DC National Guard Ready, But Never Authorized To Respond On January 6
The meat of this gentleman’s presentation occurs during the final minute:
Guilford State Senator Called to Account by NC Values Coalition
Gladys Robinson is a black female state senator from Guilford County; and is part of the democratic socialist party. I suppose we are supposed to be reassured that she has been a Sunday School teacher at Providence Baptist Church. But within these particular circles, abortion is regarded as an imperative. […]
Use of Term “Illegal Alien” Gets Triad Student Suspended
The plague of political correctness has been with us for many decades. It struck down a young male public high school student last week in Davidson County after he used the term “illegal alien” in class. It ultimately resulted in the school system suspending the student. The account is found […]
Are Illegals Voting?
A report this week suggested that one of the NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) helping illegal immigrants is prompting them to vote in US elections. Of course, this is against the law, but that doesn’t stop them. NC Congressman Dan Bishop questioned Mayorkas about this. The implications of his response are that, […]
Dr. McCullough On Turbo Cancers and the Covid Vaccines
Guilford Schools Hitting Up Cities/ Towns For More Money
The News and Record reports this morning that Guilford County Schools Superintendent Whitney Oakley is calling for the cities and towns in the county to start funding the schools. Traditionally, funding has come from several sources– county, state and federal– but now she wants to hit up the towns and […]
This Happened At A High School In Winston-Salem
HT: NC Renegade Warning: Turn off the speakers because profane language is used: