Category: Financial Meltdown
Sobering Chart
“BLS” refers to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It circulates data that appear to be fraudulent. Edward Dowd says that everyone has been operating under the premise that the economy is stronger than it really is; and expresses concern as to what will happen when people learn the truth: I […]
JP Morgan Chase CEO Speaks Truth
I have not been a big fan of Jamie Dimon. But he is right about a lot of things in this video clip; and the sentiments he expresses are on target:
The Great Taking
Could this be real?
One of North Carolina’s Largest Employers at Risk? An Economy Teetering on the Edge
As of this time last year, Bank of America employed 15,000 people in the city of Charlotte, NC. It is one of North Carolina’s largest private employers. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind for this company which is one of the largest banks nationwide. It has apparently […]
The Investments You Own May Not Be Truly Yours
The below video has a pretty stunning revelation. Apparently, when we have investments within brokerage accounts, they can be taken away in the event of a massive financial collapse. Given the fact that our leaders are marching us toward such a collapse, this is important to know. Many years ago, […]
Conditioning Us To Accept a Lower Standard of Living
This is part of the agenda. They want us to gradually accept our new circumstances, and to refrain from fighting back:
Look Over Here While the Country Implodes
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Derby | Truth Speaker (@sarcastic.truthspeaking.mama)
Conservative NC Bank Takes Over Silicon Valley Bank
First Citizens Bank, based in Raleigh, is known for its conservative management approach and is “closely held”. The announcement that it was buying the failed Silicon Valley Bank culminated nearly a week of speculation. The Holding family, which founded and runs the bank, produced a recent Republican member of Congress […]
Ring of Fire
Saw this on Bannon’s War Room tonight; and it is not an optimistic view of the short term, at least. The music is from a Canadian country band called One Ugly Cowboy: