In the last days of his administration, Biden’s FDA is proposing new rules to squeeze the nicotine content out of tobacco or smoking products. (HT: Carolina Partnership for Reform)
This is a clear shot against the state of North Carolina and its people with our legacy of numerous tobacco farms and a historically prolific tobacco industry. We stand to lose a great deal if his proposal advances. While we don’t want anyone we love to smoke, we also don’t want these products to be essentially made illegal.
His contempt for our state was previously revealed during the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.
The FDA is an unconstitutional agency, by the way.
Five more days.
When an agency , such as the FDA, proposes a rule, that agency must then allow interested persons an opportunity” to comment on the proposed rule. Typically, an agency will provide at least 30 days for public comment. The agency is required to review the public comments and respond to significant comments received, and it may make changes to the proposal based on those comments. Once this process is complete, the agency may publish the final rule in the Federal Register along with a “concise general statement” of the rule’s basis and purpose.
I don’t think there is time enough left on the clock for any rule change on tobacco to become final.
Yes, it is a long process, Fred. I hope Trump does not allow this to proceed. We shall see…