It was extremely predictable that Joe would pardon Hunter, regardless of his claims otherwise.
But he has seven weeks remaining; and still has the power of issuing additional pardons. There will be more undoubtedly; but we do not know how many– and precisely who— will receive these pardons.
Given the large number of individuals within his administration– and within the overall democratic socialist coalition– who committed serious illegal and unethical acts, I would not be surprised if we see many more pardons before January 20.
There are two potential cynical views of Joe Biden. The first is that he might only care enough about his own family to issue pardons. The second is that he will want to assist all of his fellow political travelers in their quest to avoid accountability. We shall see which view of Joe Biden prevails.
There is a long list.
Absolutely, Fred. Which criminals are protected, besides Hunter, and which are not?
Pardons are usually for one conviction. This is a blanket pardon for any crimes, known or unknown, committed by Hunter during an 11 year period.
There are numerous ongoing investigations into money laundering, influence peddling, etc., which involve Hunter, Daddy Joe, and Uncle James which coincidentally (??) occurred during that 11 year period.
Those investigations now essentially go flat, as the target (Hunter) has been peremptorily absolved of wrongdoing. And so the criminal acts of others involved are likewise swept aside.
Joe didn’t pardon Hunter; he pardoned himself.
I wonder, Jaycee, whether the blanket pardon will pass muster in the courts if challenged. It seems to be out of bounds to me. One other important point– Joe and other family members can still be prosecuted even if Hunter is not.
Apparently, the president has the power to pardon federal crimes, but not crimes that violate state law. Can Hunter be prosecuted for anything under state law?