Knives Being Sharpened in GOP Senate For Trump Agenda

Over the last several days, some of John Thune’s assignments for key committee chairmanships were made public.

Mitch McConnell will chair the Rules Committee. This is the committee that controls which bills will be allowed to be considered; and which will be killed.

Susan Collins will chair the Appropriations Committee. This committee has the “power of the purse” because it controls how much each federal department and agency will receive for their various functions.

Ultimately, Thune controls these processes. But these assignments are an indication that the Senate’s work product, left to its own devices, will not be conservative or America First. Of course, that is a foregone conclusion because the Senate GOP caucus includes many globalists and moderate/ progressives like Thom Tillis from North Carolina.

Of course, we shall see to what extent Trump’s agenda is truly conservative and/or America First. And the narrow GOP majority in the US House, and Mike Johnson’s leadership, present their own set of issues.

What does this all mean?

Trump must go directly to the American people, imploring them to prevail on their Senators and representatives to pass his agenda. That is what Reagan did when he had a Democratic House and an establishment GOP Senate. He must use all media at his disposal to get the American people involved.


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